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What are the application ranges of springs?

Article source: Author:  Published on:2023-09-01 13:58:12 

Springs are widely used, ranging from various machinery to daily necessities. In summary, they are mainly used in the following four industries:

1. Supporting springs and springs mainly for automobiles, motorcycles, diesel engines, and gasoline engines. These types of springs include valve springs, suspension springs, shock absorption springs, and clutch springs, which are widely used and account for about 50% of spring production. At the same time, the technical level requirements are also high, and it can be said that the technical level of these springs is representative. They mainly develop towards high fatigue life and high resistance to relaxation, thereby reducing mass.

2. Large springs and plate springs mainly composed of railway locomotives, trucks, and construction machinery, mainly formed by hot rolling, are an important aspect of the spring manufacturing industry. With the development of high-speed railways and the upgrading of vehicle damping systems, there has been a significant improvement in the technology of hot formed springs as vehicle suspensions. These types of springs mainly develop towards high strength and precision to stabilize product quality.

3. Electronic and electrical spring mainly used for instruments and meters, typical products such as motor brush spring, switch spring, camera and camera spring, as well as computer accessory spring, instrument and meter accessory spring, etc. In this type of spring, sheet springs and irregular springs account for a large proportion, and different products have significant differences in material and technical requirements. This type of spring mainly develops towards both high strength and miniaturization.

4. Hardware springs mainly used in daily machinery and electrical appliances, such as mattresses, sofas, door hinges, toys, lighters, etc., have a high demand for these types of springs, but their technological content is not high, providing small spring enterprises with development opportunities. These types of springs mainly develop towards miniaturization.

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